Welcome Nicki Lemon, Graphic Designer!

We are pleased to welcome a new creative to our team, Nicki Lemon! Nicki has jumped right in to the wide variety of graphic design needs of the Paramount, from posters and programs to what you see on the TVs in the lobby and on our website.
Find out more about Nicki below!
- What are you most looking forward to while working at the Paramount?
I have always loved the theatre and music and art. I am so excited to be apart of that community here in St. Cloud now. I can not wait to see what shows and talents I can help promote with the ads and promos I create.
- What is something you do during your free time?
My family is very outdoorsy. Summertime is my favorite. We are usually seen at the dirt track every weekend in the evenings and hopefully out in the boat fishing during the day.
- What was your first show at the Paramount and year? Any special memories about the Paramount that stuck with you?
The first show I ever saw at the Paramount was Hairspray. I am not sure how long ago that was but I went with my grandma. She loves musicals and she was so excited for me to be taking her to one. We loved it. It was an amazing production and I cannot wait to bring her back for more.
- What have the arts brought to the community?
SO much. The gallery and all the art hanging on the walls of the Paramount is a fabulous way for local artists to be seen and get recognized for their work. The classes and programs offered also are great for people who want to explore more into a certain craft but need a little guidance to gain the confidence to do it on their own.
- Any fun facts about yourself that you’d like to share?
I have been a graphic designer for 12 years now. I have a husband and a little 4 year old son and a 6 month old puppy who keep me pretty busy. I grew up in a small town way up in northern Minnesota and will most the time have to teach people the correct way to say “sauna.”