Making Tablesaw Jigs & Fixture
With Bob Van Dyke
Thursday October 27-Saturday October 29, 9am-4pm (total of 21 hours over 3 days)
Ages 14+
The idea of making jigs and fixtures for the tablesaw is always one that creates a lot of debate. Some people insist that they are not worth it and “just do it by hand” while other people love coming up with intricate fixtures that do a specific job really well. Bob’s approach is somewhere in the middle- will the jig be useful enough to be used over & over again and is it better than one that can be easily purchased? This class is Not a beginning tablesaw class. Participants must have some working experience with tablesaws & routers. Note: because of the design of the jigs for the table saw you must have a table saw with a Biessemeyer type fence. Bench top or “Job site” saws will not work with these jigs.
Tool List to be determined