
Moments in Time : Artist Reception

Moments in Time : Artist Reception

January 17, 2023, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm



January 17, 2023 5-7pm

Poet Pamela Wolters, Little Falls Minnesota will be featured during the reception – reading original poems created on reflection of the art exhibition.


Historic Lobby, Main Floor


Always Free to Attend. Always Inspiring.
If you would like to purchase a particular piece from the Art Exhibit, please contact the Box Office or Gallery Gift Shop. At this time we are encouraging all sales through the Gallery Gift Shop.


My creative process is broken down into three key activities.
– Thinking about what I want to make.
– Preparing to make it.
– Actually making the art.

Inspiration can come unexpectedly, often while working on other projects. I pay attention to the awesome, the spectacular, and the ordinary. Five to ten seconds at a time, then the moment is over.

Preparing for a new project is where it gets real. So many options and decisions are necessary at this stage.

Making a new piece requires me to envision the finished painting before it begins. It can be a period filled with self doubt when the painting does not progress the way I envisioned it, and excitement and satisfaction when it evolves to meet my expectations.

Captured thoughts, distant remembered images.
This is the world through my eyes.
Real and imagined.


About my art
For 50 years I used my creativity in my career. Work has always been centered around creating for other people.

I painted for most of my life as a hobby. Watercolor and acrylic were my mediums.

In 2020, during the lockdown days of the pandemic, I started taking an online class that introduced me to painting with oils. I felt like I finally found my niche. I painted feverishly, knowing the only way to hone my skills as an oil painter was to put miles on my brush. I formulated a secret plan to do 100 paintings in 100 days. I didn’t announce my intention until just before number 90. I wanted to be sure I was able to actually do it. I did.
Every so often I do an exercise in daily painting like 10 paintings in 10 days, or “Create 28” which is a February event to make a painting every day of that month. These are smaller paintings ranging in size from 5” x 7” to 9” x 12”.

I take a different approach to large paintings. These projects are painted in very thin transparent layers. Letting the paint dry between each layer. They can take anywhere from weeks to months to complete.

Now I have the opportunity to work in my studio solely for pleasure.

I walk daily and always have my camera in my pocket for reference photos. I paint whatever inspires me. I am often moved to paint the landscapes around me. The long shadows of morning or late afternoon. The changing seasons and the vast farmland or woodlands. The sky, with it’s ever changing clouds, with the landscape below for a feeling of aerial perspective.
At times I paint from my imagination, which is actually much more difficult than using a photo.

It is my pleasure to share these works of art with you.


Consider adding a piece to your collection and supporting a Minnesota artist. All the artwork noted
in this catalog that is on exhibit at the Paramount is for sale, unless otherwise noted.

Purchasing the Work
• Bring this catalog to the Gallery Gift Shop located at the Paramount (right side of the
building facing St. Germain Street). Let the cashier know what item you would like to buy.
• If not today, you can also contact the Paramount at 320-259-5463 and purchase it by
providing a credit card over the phone while it is still on exhibit.

Gallery Gift Shop Hours*
Monday – Friday•10:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday•10:00AM – 2:00PM
*Open one hour before most performances

January 17, 2023, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Paramount Center for the Arts

913 West St. Germain StreetSt. Cloud, MN 56301United States

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