
Intro to Pyrography: Handcrafted Woodburning (Floral Scene) (5/14/2025,10am-4pm)

Intro to Pyrography: Handcrafted Woodburning (Floral Scene) (5/14/2025,10am-4pm)

May 14, 2025, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm



Intro to Pyrography: Handcrafted Woodburning
(Floral Scene) 
with Brenda Lodermeier
Wednesday May 14 10am-4pm
Experience Level: No prior experience required  

Ages 18+ (Please contact us at dsegerstrom@paramountarts.org if you have a younger student interested in participating) 

Discover the beauty of pyrography! Students will learn the introductory skills needed to safely create a unique wood burned piece, from pattern layout to transfer! Brenda will guide you step-by-step, sharing methods and tips for success. Though the class is deigned for people with little or no prior experience, advanced pyrographers will also appreciate the variety of techniques discussed in class. Develop or emphasize your own style, which can be applied in class, to complete projects you have yet to finish, and for starting new projects!

Tuition Fee includes the cost of a transfer and 5″ x 7″ wood surface

Student Materials List, please bring the following to class: 

Please bring your own woodburner.
If you do not have one and are not sure if you are ready to invest, you are welcome to rent one directly from the instructor the day of class for an additional $20.

 Optional:   Desk top/table light

 *Brenda is an authorized Colwood woodburning dealer and will have woodburners, tips, cords and wood surfaces for sale on the day of the class.

Studio Practices- What to Expect While You Are Creating with Us!

The Paramount Center for the Arts welcomes all people to the Studios with the expectation of inclusion and respect towards all, including yourself, fellow students, instructors, staff and volunteers.

Instructor Prep Time: Please allow your instructor time to prepare your classroom; if you arrive more than 15 minutes earlier than the class start time, please explore one of our onsite exhibition spaces or wait in the Lobby in the Visual Arts Department.

Cleaning: Please help keep the Studios a welcoming space by cleaning up your area before departing the building.

Weather Closures:  In the event of severe weather, the Visual Arts Department will update the phone messages on the Information Desk (320) 257-3125, announce closures on the Paramount website homepage, and will communicate via email to any students whose class meeting time is impacted by the closure

May 14, 2025, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Paramount Technical Site

248 33rd Avenue SouthWaite Park, MN 56387United States