Oct 18-27, 2024
Set against the backdrop of a small-town diner, this musical follows the journey of Jenna, a talented pie-maker and waitress who finds herself unhappily married and pregnant. A baking contest in a nearby county and a satisfying encounter with someone new presents a tempting recipe for a chance at a fresh start. With help from her spunky co-workers, each with their own aspirations, struggles, and relatable stories, she finds the courage to take a long abandoned dream off the shelf and start fresh.
Based on the film and featuring a soul-stirring score by Grammy-nominated artist Sara Bareilles, Waitress is a celebration of resilience, self-discovery, and the family we choose. It serves up a generous helping of toe-tapping tunes and unforgettable moments, proving that even in the face of challenges there’s a chance to bake your own recipe for happiness.
October 18, 2024 - October 27, 2024, All day