
Painting a Still Life in Casein (3/22/2025, 9am-3:30pm)

Painting a Still Life in Casein (3/22/2025, 9am-3:30pm)

March 22, 2025, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm



Painting a Still Life in Casein
with Suzann Beck
Experience Level: Beginners welcome, however some prior drawing experience is helpful! 
Saturday March 22, 9am-3:30pm (1 session)

Ages 18+ (Please contact us at dsegerstrom@paramountarts.org if you have a younger student interested in participating) 

Learn about this Earth-friendly historical medium used by the Old Masters and give it a try yourself! Casein isn’t made with petroleum products, but instead utilizes milk protein that would otherwise go to waste. Casein doesn’t emit odors or gases, cleans up with soap and water, and becomes more permanent with time! In the morning session you’ll get to try your hand with this versatile paint to create transparent washes, opaque painting, and impasto. In the afternoon you’ll learn to paint a simple still life and see if casein if right for you! Please bring $15 for the cost of materials.

Class will break for an hour at 1pm, please bring a lunch.


*Please note that, per safety data sheets, there are paints used in class that people who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant should avoid using. If you have questions or would like to review these safety sheets please feel free to contact us at (320) 257-3128

This class is designed so you don’t have to bring any materials, but for a small reimbursement of $15 for the instructor, all paints, brushes, substrate and other materials will be provided. But if you’re more comfortable working with your own materials or want to purchase materials to continue working in casein on your own, these are the materials we’ll be using in class.

  • Richeson Casein paints in black, white, raw umber, ultramarine blue, alizron crimson, pthalo turquoise, venetian red, golden ochre, cad-mium red scarlet, cadmium yellow light, and naples yellow hue.
  • Water media paper.
  • A water resistant board and masking tape to mount paper.
  • Water media palette and water container.
  • Water media brushes including brights and filberts.
  • Paper towels.
  • Simple objects for still life compositions, lights and small backdrops.

Studio Practices- What to Expect While You Are Creating with Us!

The Paramount Center for the Arts welcomes all people to the Studios with the expectation of inclusion and respect towards all, including yourself, fellow students, instructors, staff and volunteers.

Instructor Prep Time: Please allow your instructor time to prepare your classroom; if you arrive more than 15 minutes earlier than the class start time, please explore one of our onsite exhibition spaces or wait in the Lobby in the Visual Arts Department.

Cleaning: Please help keep the Studios a welcoming space by cleaning up your area before departing the building.

Food and Beverage: The Visual Arts Department offers a Lobby Area for students and instructors to enjoy food and beverages. There is an onsite microwave and refrigerator, along with vending machines. For your safety, we ask that you please do not eat in any of the Studios.

Supplies and Materials: For the safety and wellbeing of all visitors to the Paramount, we ask that materials that are used in the studios are the recommended brands and grade, as described in the materials list, or are approved by Paramount Staff.

Weather Closures:  In the event of severe weather, the Visual Arts Department will update the phone messages on the Information Desk (320) 257-3125, announce closures on the Paramount website homepage, and will communicate via email to any students whose class meeting time is impacted by the closure.

March 22, 2025, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Paramount Center for the Arts

913 West St. Germain StreetSt. Cloud, MN 56301United States