Around The Cloud
Website provides a first-of-its-kind community destination for arts events in the four-county area. Users can search by area of interest, geographic location, or by date.
Central Minnesota Arts Board
The Central Minnesota Arts Board increases access to the arts by providing grant opportunities and services and strives to enhance appreciation of the essential economic and social roles the arts play by providing grants and professional development services to arts and community organizations, schools, government units and individuals.
Central Minnesota Watercolorists
Membership is open to all who are interested in water media as experienced or potential artists. The group now consists of more than 100 area painters, several of whom are “professional artists.”
Central Minnesota Woodworker’s Association
The Central Minnesota Woodworker’s Association is a group of men and women from around the St. Cloud Minnesota area who share a common interest in the art and business of woodworking. We meet monthly in St. Cloud to share information, techniques and topics of interest in the area of woodworking.
CSB/SJU Fine Arts Programming
The mission of Fine Arts Programming at the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University is to provide a wealth of creative activities and art that make life in Central Minnesota an even richer experience.
GREAT Theatre
Great River Educational Arts Theatre (GREAT) brings the community together through shared theatre experiences. They strive to ensure everyone in central Minnesota will have access to the transformative power of the arts.
Pioneer Place on 5th
Pioneer Place on Fifth has become the soul of the entertainment scene in downtown St. Cloud. From the moment you step in the door the intimate space makes you feel right at home.
St. Cloud State University
Yes Network
The Yes Network is dedicated to creating vibrant, loving, prosperous engagement with youth and families in the neighborhoods in which they live.