The Paramount Center for the Arts (PCA) proudly collaborates with visual artists to showcase new and relevant creative work in each of our three onsite galleries.
Gallery Saint Germain – GSG (Main Floor, Granite Entrance):
This newly renovated space features almost floor to ceiling windows; visibly connecting the artist’s work to customers shopping in downtown Saint Cloud and onsite in our retail store. The GSG was intentionally designed as a flexible space to feature dynamic artwork that fosters community connections and in-person engagement activities.
Paramount Lobby (Main Floor, Marquee Entrance):
The gallery is situated within the historically renovated section of the building. Located between our marquee and ramp entrances, it is the largest of PCA’s three galleries. It offers increased visibility among theatre patrons, mingling onsite during performances or community events; and is best suited to showcase 2D work.
Studio C (Lower Level, Parking Ramp Entrance):
This fully accessible gallery also hosts small private and public events and workshops. Positioned near the PCA’s art classrooms, it is best suited to feature the creative body of work from teachers, students, and regional artists interested in cross-pollinating work by incorporating a variety of mediums, audiences, or engagement opportunities.
Collaborating with the Paramount Center for the Arts
PCA staff works closely with approved visual artists to create a meaningful exhibition. We invest time and resources to professionally showcase artwork through online platforms and in various print materials. Artists are also invited to host an in-person or virtual reception, provide onsite demonstrations or community presentations that are COVID compliant (Link).
Exhibition Forms
The PCA would like to invite artists or community members to submit ideas for the following types of exhibitions during our open application process bi-yearly, in January and June:
• Solo artists interested in being featured in one of our gallery spaces.
• Group collaborations with multiple artists that feature specially curated exhibits around unique and/or relevant content.
• Creative community partnership with non-arts organizations interested in cross pollinating ideas.
Please contact our curator, Amanda Pentzak (apentzak@paramountarts.org) for any additional questions.
We are happy to provide printed forms upon request.
Coming Soon in June 2025 & January 2026 – Call for Art!
Annually, the PCA will announce a special “Artist Call” to encourage engagement around a special themed exhibition. Check back at a future date for additional information.
Connect with our Gallery Staff
Amanda Pentzak, Curator
Office hours vary.
The Paramount’s Gift Gallery features the work of more than 80 artists that have been selected by their peers (juried) to display and sell work throughout the year. Retail artists applications for the Paramount Gift Gallery are reviewed monthly by our selection committee. Criteria used to select artists include mastery/command of the medium, uniqueness, affordability, and our ability to appropriately display the work onsite.
The PCA retains a commission based on total sales. Artists that elect to volunteer in the Gift Gallery, a minimum of four hours a week are offered a reduction in the PCA’s sales commission. Special rates apply to student work.
Interested in presenting your work for consideration in our retail space?
There are three ways to connect to this opportunity.
1) Complete the online form (Link)
2) Make a Request by Email
Subject Line: Gift Gallery Application
- Contact Information (Full name and phone number)
- Images (2 megabyte or higher) of the work you would like to sell
- A brief artist statement describing yourself and the technique(s) used in your work
- Suggested prices for submitted works (not including PCA’s commission)
3) Deliver Work In-person:
Samples of the work you would like to sell
- Contact information (Full name, phone number and email)
- A brief artist statement describing yourself and the technique(s) used in your work
- Suggested prices for submitted work (not including PCA’s commission)
Please Note: PCA will need to retain your work for up to one month for consideration
Contact the Gift Gallery at (320) 257-5920 to arrange a drop-off day and time.
Connect with our Gallery Staff
Patty Soltis, Gift Gallery Manager
320-310-6591 OR 320-204-1675